Scheduled Transfer by Mintyn Online Bank

Financial Inclusion in Nigeria
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For years now, there has been a clash in the financial world on ways of easily reducing the habit of bulky transfers that needs to be dispatched urgently but no solution has been birthed for that. But, it looks like barrier has been be broken. Mintyn online bank is offering an exquisite feature called: scheduled transfer service on its mobile online banking app for their esteemed customers and future ones too.

Just like any other feature birthed by mintyn, this is something unique because it has been a barrier in the financial world. We make transfers every single day as a business man or woman. The same goes to customers who buy goods on the daily and make payments too. Our mind is filled with a lot of things but money is our first priority especially in Nigeria here. So mintyn has come up with a way to end your stress of bulky transfers and not having the time, energy or probably forgetting to make those transfers.

The schedule transfer is an easy process from mintyn’s own creative staff to walk you into that financial freedom. Mintyn bank is grateful to our customers for sticking with us through out, as we launch different features executively for you. So now, all those bulky transfers needed to be dispatched can be done with only mintyn digital bank.



Features of Scheduled Transfers by Mintyn Online Bank

1. Transfer Your Money Just the Way You Want: Everything it’s in your hands, set your required frequency, add the endless list of beneficiaries needed, type you in your start and end date for your transfer. Your transfer will happen for free just the way you’ve set it.

2. Flexible Transfer Options: You can make changes to the schedule transfer if you made an error or something. Edit it to your satisfaction.

3. Stay On Top of Your Transactions: Follow your transaction up and get full control over it. No second guesses because mintyn got you.

Steps in Planning that Scheduled Transfer with Mintyn

1. Log in securely with your password, fingerprint, or face id

2. Select Send Money

3. Select Schedule Transfer

4. Enter the Date and Time you want the transaction to occur

5. Select the Frequency, add your Beneficiaries, and the Transaction amount

6. Confirm the transaction details, tap Complete Schedule and you’re done!




With the scheduled transfer on board, no more worrying but feeling free because, mintyn is working endlessly to make your banking with us to be safe and secure.

So what are you waiting for, log into your mintyn bank app or download from the google or apple play store now!

Mintyn bank is here for you!




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Bank with Mintyn

Enjoy free transfers and comprehensive banking services designed for you and your business.